Or “I might as well address how everything REALLY started”.
This past weekend, I unexpectedly had to face part of my past. After years of vaguely thinking about it, my mom and I finally went to a friend’s church. But this post isn’t about that experience, because I spent the entire time crying in a bathroom. Why, you ask? Because it was in a building that had once been something else, I had memories associated, and let’s just say I’m starting to understand how anything can be triggery for some people.
Might as well get it over with, since the title of this post is pretty provocative and veers a particular direction anyways - I had bits of my innocence taken from me when I was thirteen. (Incidentally, I haven’t voluntarily lost anything since then… but that is a different post.) Compared to the horror stories I’ve seen on various homeschool-survivor blogs over the last few months, what happened to me was relatively tame. Just hands where I didn’t want ‘em, in the general vicinity of my then-nonexistent breasts, several times over the course of a school year. Maybe not even a conscious act, but still a harmful one.
The boy who did that to me was two years older than me. It ended when my family left that homeschool group in hopes that something closer to home might improve my social standing. (In reality, it did the opposite, but how were we to know better?) I haven’t had any form of contact with him since - might’ve added him on FB at some point, but I can’t remember. Far as I’m concerned, he doesn’t exist anymore, but the wounds I got from him do.
A lot of the people I know who homeschool their children do so to protect them from the big bad world. Things like this don’t happen to homeschooled kids. Things like this aren’t done by homeschooled kids either - and yet as far as I know, E was homeschooled the whole way from kindergarten through high school. Didn’t stop him from messing with the brain and body of a young girl who just wanted to be seen and leaving an indelible blemish on my psyche in the process.
I only processed this as A Harmful Thing That Happened a few years ago - several years after it happened. And in hindsight, maybe that was part of the problem. I wasn’t some tiny brutally harmed by an adult; the person who touched me where I didn’t want to be touched was in my peer group, our mothers had bonded over raising difficult children, and it was generally not the sort of scenario people talk about in discussions of sexual abuse and homeschooled children. And the worst part was I let it happen. I was uncomfortable, yes, but I kept my trap shut. I’ve kept this buried in me for eight years. And now… now I’m done with that silence.
What happened to me may not have been as dramatic or horrific as a lot of the dialogues currently going around, but I am still a victim. I am still a survivor. And I am still reconciling what this means to me, what effects it might have on my eventual consensual physical interactions. It’s an uphill climb, but I’m doing what I can.
Alyssa, I'm not sure if anyone else has told you this....but this scenario and this experience you describe.....are pretty common. I mean....they happened to me, they happened to my spouse, they happened to my friends, they "probably" happened to many of YOUR friends, your friends' parents, etc etc. The teen years (even for home educated students) are a time of tumult, of trying, of failing, of making bad and good choices, of sinning, of making right, of being protected (and not). I'm sorry that your experience left you with so much pain. If you ever want to talk, I'm happy to listen. I'm not minimizing your experience; I'm only saying that you aren't alone. Interestingly, being tempted, being violated, and being vulnerable don't stop being themes in our lives. These will be continual challenges every day; they are for each of us. For myself, I have to constantly reaffirm who I am and what God has called me to do...and that affirmation guides my steps. Even still, it's not a guarantee of safety. Even older adults (like myself) make poor choices and get used by others. P.S. I'm not sure if anyone has ever told you this, but sexual experimentation is pretty normal during our growing up years; sometimes, it's forced and other times, it's consensual. Please do not be too hard on yourself regarding your past. Sending Love. You are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYou rock, girl, whether you realize it or not!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog. Good...for...you! It is good to bring dark things into the open...into the Light...so they can be dealt with.
I know you struggle with the idea that you "let" this happen. Please...do NOT be hard on yourself. I know of families in both arenas...home school and not...where this kind of thing happens. A lot of the time it just stems from being in those tumultuous years of body development, hormones, awkwardness, finding our identity...I could keep adding to this list. But you are a very smart girl. I know that you know what I am getting at here.
Things happen. Bad things. And yes, each person has to own their part in it...IF they have a part in it. But let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are correct and you really did "let" it happen. There is a way to find healing for that. You confess it and ask forgiveness and then trust that you are forgiven.
Otherwise, do not take on guilt that is not yours to take. Walk free. You are created in the image of the One True God. Embrace that. Walk in that. And remember that Messiah died for all of it...every single bit!